The Foreman Your Crew Wants to Follow
Everyone wants to be on the winning team. Learn what respected leaders do to motivate, engage, and build enthusiasm in their teams. (Learning Hours: 2)
Introduction--The Foreman Your Crew Wants to Follow
FREE PREVIEWThe Foreman Your Crew Wants to Follow--Workbook 2021
1. Self Assessment--Giving and Getting
FREE PREVIEWSelf Assessment--Giving and Getting
2. Why Employees Leave
Why Employees Leave
3. The Impact of Arrogance
The Impact of Arrogance
4. Motivation/The Underappreciated Employee
Motivation/The Under Appreciated Employee
5. Motivating Your Team
Motivating Your Team
6. The Power of Recognition
The Power of Recognition
7. Performance Accountability
Performance Accountability
8. Enthusiasm and Engagement
Enthusiasm and Engagement
9. The Engaged Crew
The Engaged Crew
10. Creating an Engaged Team and Final Thoughts
Creating an Engaged Team and Final Thoughts